What predicts student success in introductory data management classes? An investigation of demographic, personality, computer-related, and interaction variables

Introduction to data management classes are often times students’ first exposure to advanced material in these areas. Many factors are likely to influence success in these classes, but empirical investigations have focused on relatively few variables. In this study, we extend this research by examining the relative contributions of the previously examined variables of gender and age, as well as the personality (motivation) variables of need for achievement and conscientiousness and the computer-related variables of computer self-efficacy and computer anxiety. Further, we investigate interactions between age and these personality and computer-related variables. We examined these variables in a sample of 204 students. Results revealed that demographic and computer-related variables explained variance in classroom performance, as did three of the four age-variable interactions. Pedagogical implications of these results are discussed as well as directions for future research.

What predicts student success in introductory data management classes? An investigation of demographic, personality, computer-related, and interaction variables

  • Author Harris, Kenneth J.; Harris, Ranida B.; Lambert, Alysa D.
  • Publication Title Information Systems Education Journal
  • Publication Year 2011
  • BPC Focus Gender
  • Methodology Survey
  • Analytic Method Regression
  • Institution Type NA
  • DOI https://isedj.org/2011-9/N1/ISEDJv9n1p107.html
  • URL https://isedj.org/2011-9/N1/ISEDJv9n1p107.html