Introducing an experimental cognitive robotics curriculum at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
A successful collaboration between Spelman College and Carnegie Mellon University led to an NSF-funded Broadening Participation in Computing project to set up robotics education laboratories and introduce undergraduate instruction in cognitive robotics at three other Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). We give a brief overview of cognitive robotics and the Tekkotsu software architecture, and describe our experiences teaching computer science students with no previous robotics exposure to program sophisticated mobile robots.
Introducing an experimental cognitive robotics curriculum at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
- Author Williams, Andrew B.; Touretzky, David S.; Tira-Thompson, Ethan J.; Manning, LaVonne; Boonthum, Chutima; Allen, Clement S.
- Publication Title Proceedings Of The 39Th SIGCSE Technical Symposium On Computer Science Education
- Publication Year 2008
- BPC Focus Underrepresented Racial/Ethnic Groups, Black/African American Students
- Methodology Survey
- Analytic Method NA
- Institution Type Minority Serving Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Predominantly Black Institutions
- DOI 10.1145/1352135.1352303