History of BPCnet.org

Below are some highlights of BPCnet.org, from its inception, launch, various updates, to a redesign. Click the button below for a full history of BPCnet.org.

NSF CISE BPC Pilot Launch

Dear Colleague Letter was published launching the CISE BPC Pilot addressing the long-standing issue of underrepresentation in computing.

BPCnet Resource Portal Proposed

The Computing Research Association (CRA) proposed to build the BPCnet Resource Portal, a website that provided PIs with best practices regarding broadening participation in computing. BPCnet.org was launched in early 2019.

First in-person workshop

The first in-person workshop, Departmental Plans for Broadening Participation in Computer Science took place at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in November 2019. 

Resource Development

New resources were added to BPCnet.org – web applications that allowed users to view Postsecondary Computing Degrees Awarded (IPEDS), Postsecondary Engineering Degrees Awarded (IPEDS), and K-12 Enrollment (CCD) data; and a BPC Consultancy service where PIs received guidance on their Departmental BPC Plans. 

Launch of the Statistics and Data Hub

Web applications were updated to allow users to view and interact with Postsecondary Computing Degrees Awarded (IPEDS), Postsecondary Engineering Degrees Awarded (IPEDS), and K-12 Enrollment (CCD) data. 

100th unique academic department

In September, the 100th unique academic department, Washington University in St. Louis’ department of Computer Science and Engineering had their Departmental BPC Plan verified. View verified Departmental BPC Plans.

Funding for NSF BPCnet

BPCnet has been generously supported by the following NSF grants:

  • EAGER: BPCnet: A Broadening Participation Resource Portal (NSF award number: 1830364)
  • BPC Plan Workshop Series (NSF award number: 2032231)
  • BPCnet: Scaling Up the Impact of NSF CISE Broadening Participation Activities (NSF award number: 1940460)
  • Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline: A Community Resource (NSF award number: 2335072)

Former BPCnet Steering Committee Members

BPCnet was launched by a steering committee composed of individuals who have dedicated significant efforts to broaden participation in computing throughout their careers. The steering committee was in service between 2018 – 2022. BPCnet thanks these former Steering Committee members for their contributions.

Nancy Amato
University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign, Computer Science

Dorian Arnold
Emory University – Math and Computer Science

Greg Byrd
North Carolina State University – Electrical & Computer Engineering

Tracy Camp
Colorado School of Mines – Computer Science

Wendy DuBow

Mary Hall
University of Utah – Computer Science

Julia Hirschberg
Columbia University – Computer Science

Colleen Lewis
University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign, Computer Science

Ron Metoyer
University of Notre Dame – College of Engineering

Manuel Pérez-Quiñones
University of North Carolina, Charlotte – College of Computing and Informatics

Lucy Sanders