2017-2018: CISE BPC Pilot Launch and Proposal of the BPCnet Portal

  • In 2017, The National Science Foundation (NSF) released a Dear Colleague Letter, which announced the launch of a CISE BPC Pilot addressing the long-standing issue of underrepresentation in computing.
  • In 2018, The Computing Research Association (CRA) proposed to build the BPCnet Resource Portal, BPCnet.org, to provide PIs with resources regarding broadening participation in computing.

2019: Launch of BPCnet and First BPC Plan Workshop

  • BPCnet.org was launched with an activity library that enabled the larger computing community to learn about and connect with existing broadening participation in computing activities.
  • The idea of Departmental BPC Plans was proposed. Templates and resources were created to give guidance to PIs on creating Departmental BPC Plans.
  • The first Departmental BPC Plan Workshop, Departmental Plans for Broadening Participation in Computer Science was held at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

2020: Resource Development

2021: Launch of Statistics and Data Hub

  • BPCnet.org’s web applications received significant updates that allowed users to interact with Postsecondary Computing Degrees Awarded (IPEDS), Postsecondary Engineering Degrees Awarded (IPEDS), and K-12 Enrollment (CCD). This update saw the launch of the Statistics and Data Hub page on BPCnet.org.
  • A multi-day virtual event, Departmental BPC Plan Working Sessions, took place throughout the year.

2022: Release of the Undergraduate BPC Literature Database

  • In September, the 100th unique academic department –  Washington University in St. Louis, department of Computer Science and Engineering, had their Departmental BPC Plan verified.
  • In partnership with Momentum, a team of researchers housed at UCLA that aim to advance equity in computing and focuses on educational pathways, a Literature Database containing scholarly articles about broadening participation in undergraduate computing was launched as a page on BPCnet.org.
  • The first post pandemic in-person workshop, the 2022 Departmental BPC Plan Workshop, took place in Denver Colorado.

2023: BPCnet.org Redesign

  • BPCnet went through a redesign process to accommodate the expanding amount of content and better serve the users. Existing content was updated and new content was developed during this process.
  • 2023 Departmental BPC Plan Workshop was held in Atlanta, GA in partnership with Morehouse College.
  • Two pre-conference workshop sessions were held at SIGCSE 2023, in Toronto, Canada.