Most goals in Verified Departmental BPC Plans use one of the following four patterns. In our examples we use [students from COMMUNITIES] as a placeholder for the community names; Advice is available for Referring to Communities Underrepresented in Computing. For ongoing activities, “by [YEAR]” may be replaced with a frequency such as “every year.”
Pattern 1: By [YEAR] [NUMBER] will improve from [CURRENT VALUE] to [NEW VALUE]
Pattern 2: Measure and improve [NUMBER] by [YEAR]
Pattern 3: [X]% of [COMMUNITY] will do [ACTIVITY] by [YEAR]
Pattern 4: Do [ACTIVITY] by [YEAR]
Most goals align with one of the following common BPC goal topics. Goals often specify both a topic and an audience, such as faculty, staff, graduate students, undergraduate students, or an audience external to the department. Each goal should have one or more supporting activities, such as those listed in the Example Activities. Ongoing, not one-time, BPC activities that are within the institution, not external outreach, tend to be most impactful and align with recommendations from the NSF CISE BPC initiative.
As indicated in the Departmental BPC Plan Checklist, all goals in a Departmental BPC Plan must be worded as SMART goals: