BPC Consultants are experts on broadening participation in computing. Consultants primarily work with PIs and departments to draft, revise, and refine meaningful Departmental and Project BPC Plans under the NSF CISE guidelines and with the support of rubrics and sample plans. The consultation process includes virtual meetings with departments, providing feedback on drafts, and using a pre-established checklist and criteria for verifying Departmental BPC Plans. Consultants provide the following services:
Applications to become a BPC Consultant are accepted on a rolling basis. If you are interested in becoming a BPC Consultant, please fill out this form. BPCnet staff will reach out to you with next steps.
BPC Plan consultants are expected to have extensive prior engagement with BPC through BPC activities in their respective organizations and/or research experience. BPCnet.org staff will also provide consultants with the appropriate training and continuous guidance needed to review and verify Plans.
Max. 10 hours/ month. BPC Plan consultants have flexible schedules; however, consultants will need to provide their availability for each semester. Consultants will also be invited to participate in BPC Plan Workshops and virtual events as their schedules permit.