INVITE AI in K-12 Teacher Fellowship Program
The INVITE AI Institute, in collaboration with STARS Computing Corps, is currently accepting applications from K-12 teachers in any subject area for the INVITE AI in K-12 Teacher Fellowship Program. This program is intended to support K-12 teachers in their efforts to introduce equitable and inclusive AI learning experiences for K-12 students.
Selected participants will receive complimentary registration and a $1500 travel stipend to attend workshops on teaching AI in K12 at the national Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Annual Conference on July 8–11, 2024, in Cleveland, OH.
INVITE AI in K12 Teacher Fellows commit to 1) attending at least 3 sessions on AI in K12 at the CSTA conference, 2) attending a follow-up webinar in Fall 2025, 3) piloting an AI resource and/or learning activity in at least one class session in Fall 2025 using best practices for broadening participation in computing, and 4) submitting a written reflection on their experiences as part of the INVITE AI in K12 program.
APPLY HERE by February 15, 2025.
If you have any questions, please contact Lauren Watkins de Jong at
Tags: Announcement , Fellowship , NSF