Building momentum: How department chairs lead initiatives to broaden participation in computer science.

Broadening participation in computer science (CS) for women and underrepresented minority (URM) students is an important national priority. This research is part of a larger, longitudinal, qualitative study that highlights the role of the department chair in leading diversity-related change initiatives at a set of institutions across the country. Findings from this study reveal important insights about how department chairs lead diversity-related change efforts. Further, findings also highlight the ways that department chairs grapple with dramatically increasing enrollments, representative diversity, and critical mass.

Building momentum: How department chairs lead initiatives to broaden participation in computer science.

  • Author Zimmerman, Hilary B.; Toven-Lindsey, Brit; Sax, Linda J.; Lehman, Kate L.; Blaney, Jennifer M.
  • Publication Title 2019 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT)
  • Publication Year 2019
  • BPC Focus Gender, Underrepresented Racial/Ethnic Groups
  • Methodology Qualitative, Multi-institution
  • Analytic Method NA
  • Institution Type NA
  • DOI 10.1109/RESPECT46404.2019.8985799
  • URL https://10.1109/RESPECT46404.2019.8985799