Need to Consider Variations within Demographic Groups When Evaluating Educational Interventions
Traditionally, educational interventions in Computer Science have been studied for their effect on entire classes, or specific demographic groups. But, in our studies, we have found that often, significant interactions exist among demographic groups. Treating demographic groups as homogeneous groups when evaluating educational interventions in Computer Science could miss subtle interactions among the groups.
Need to Consider Variations within Demographic Groups When Evaluating Educational Interventions
- Author Kumar, Amruth N.
- Publication Title Proceedings Of The 14Th Annual ACM SIGCSE Conference On Innovation And Technology In Computer Science Education
- Publication Year 2009
- BPC Focus NA
- Methodology Survey, Multi-institution, Program Evaluation
- Analytic Method ANOVA
- Institution Type NA
- DOI 10.1145/1562877.1562934