Key Features of Project BPC Plans

Project BPC Plans are submitted to the NSF and must follow the NSF’s current guidelines on formatting in the PAPPG.

A Connected Project BPC Plan may be used when PIs will engage in an activity listed in a Verified Departmental BPC Plan from their institution and allowed by the NSF solicitation.

A Standalone Project BPC Plan does not include Departmental BPC Plans; instead, the BPC activities of all PIs are listed in a single 3-page document for the whole project.

Still confused on which Project BPC Plan may be the best fit for you? Click the button below for a helpful flowchart to help you select.

  • Follows NSF guidelines on formatting
  • Each PI must select and describe a BPC activity they are participating in.
  • For Connected Project BPC Plans, each PI needs to have a verified Departmental BPC Plan.
  • For Standalone Project BPC Plans, the BPC activities of all PIs must be listed in a single 3-page document.

Common Mistakes

The following common pitfalls and solutions may help you better address the solicitation. Click on an item to view the solution to the specific pitfall.

Deciding what to include in your BPC Plan

Instead, use or adapt existing programs or develop partnerships for your local context. 

Instead, describe a scope of activities consistent with your team’s expertise, capacity, institutional resources, and partnerships.

Instead, provide the demographics of the students you will reach and the inclusive curriculum and pedagogy you will use. 

Instead, seek out partners, coaching, or resources for inclusive pedagogy and appropriate content that matches students’ grade level and prior knowledge. 

Writing your BPC Plan

Instead, make sure your plan addresses the underrepresentation of women, African Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Native Pacific Islanders, and persons with disabilities in computing.

Instead, describe your past recruiting or mentoring strategies and provide the demographics of your students overall. 

Instead, identify gaps in opportunity that your plan addresses. 

Instead clearly outline your implementation and, if space allows, describe your timeline for data collection and meetings that will keep your project on track. 

Implementing your BPC Plan

Instead, include data collection as part of your activities from the start.

Instead, schedule regular meetings with the team to revisit your Project BPC Plan and measure your progress. Revise as needed.

Resources to Create Effective Project Plans has compiled templates, sample plans, and checklists for Connected and Standalone Project BPC Plans, as resources to create an effective Project Plan. Click on the buttons below to view the Connected or Standalone Project Plan pages and associated resources.

NSF Reporting Requirements

Always refer to the solicitation you are responding to in order to find out about BPC Plan reporting requirements. Currently, CISE Core and SATC Medium awards are required to report about the results of the implementation of their BPC Plan in the Special Reporting Requirements sections of their NSF Annual Report.

According to the program solicitations NSF 23-561 (CISE Core) and NSF 24-504 (SATC) Section VII. Award Administration Information Subsection C. Reporting Requirements, the Special Reporting Requirements section of the annual report should include:

  • A summary of what each PI and co-PI did, including any changes to the plan;
  • Numbers of events, participants, and participant demographics (if there are barriers to collecting this data, describe those limitations and provide the best estimates possible); and
  • A reflection (supported by data if available) on progress, any unexpected challenges or results, and anything planned.

NSF BPC Plan Supplements

If you already have an NSF approved BPC Plan as part of an award from the relevant CISE programs, you are eligible to request supplemental funding to cover the cost of your BPC activities through BPC Supplements.