Broadening Participation in Computing encompasses a variety of different areas.’s Resource Library has a collection of resources and activities from organizations that are dedicated to broadening participation in computing, activities to include in your BPC Plan, and key focus areas on the most common topical areas concerning broadening participation in computing.
BJC’s guiding philosophy is to meet students where they are, but not to leave them there. BJC covers the big ideas and computational thinking practices in the AP CSP curriculum […]
The following description is from the Black in AI website: Black in AI is a place for sharing ideas, fostering collaborations and discussing initiatives to increase the presence of Black […]
Bootstrap:Algebra applies mathematical concepts and rigorous programming principles to creating a simple video game, and is aligned to National and State Standards for Mathematics, as well as the CSTA standards […]
What factors make some people live longer than others? Are more expensive restaurants really better? Is voter fraud a problem? What data would you need to gather to answer these […]
BPC Alliances worked together as part of the “BPC-DP: Developing Shared Measures Among the BPC Community” project to explore and agree on a shared measurement framework. This project was funded […]
Advancing K-16 computing education in a state is a complex and collaborative endeavor. Computing education state summits are an important part of this process and can help to develop and […]
Formerly’s Statistics & Data Hub, the Research & Data page contains different sources of publicly-available data to support PIs and Departments in creating their BPC Plans. The Postsecondary Degree […]
The following description is from the NCWIT and ECEP toolkit: Advancing K-16 computing education in a state is a complex and collaborative endeavor. Computing education state summits are an important […]
CAHSI is a grass-top organization, i.e., it involves students, faculty and professional staff–the grassroots who are on the ground impacting students, and administrators (chairs and deans) who provide leadership. CAHSI involves […]
Housed at Northeastern’s Khoury College of Computer Sciences, the Center for Inclusive Computing seeks to substantially increase the national representation of women majoring in computing. Our goal is to transform […]
The following description is from the Stanford CEPA website. We analyze race and gender trends in the Silicon Valley technology industry from 1980 to 2015, with a focus on computer […]
The Data Buddies Project is an important resource for the computing community. Data collected via this project provide useful insights into student attrition and retention, factors that support the successful […]
AccessComputing helps students with disabilities successfully pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees in computing fields, and works to increase the capacity of postsecondary institutions and other organizations to fully include individuals […]
It is well known that mentoring activities are critical for successful promotions in the professoriate. Such activities are especially needed for ethnic minorities and people with disabilities in the field […]
Student Professional Development Workshops provide undergraduate and masters level computer science students with the unique opportunity to receive coaching and development from Industry professionals. Details about the workshops are given […]
The CMD-IT University Award recognizes US institutions that have demonstrated a strong commitment to increasing the computer science baccalaureate degree production of minorities and students with disabilities, through effective retention […]
The goal of the Tapia Conferences is to bring together undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, researchers, and professionals in computing from all backgrounds and ethnicities to: The Tapia Conferences are […]
The following description is from the CMU OurCS Women in Tech website: Organized by Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science and Women@SCS. This 3 day research-focused workshop aims to improve […]