Overview of BPC Plans

A BPC Plan describes how a PI or department will contribute to Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) in a meaningful way. NSF CISE defines BPC Plans for departments (Departmental BPC Plans) and PIs (Project BPC Plans).

Departmental BPC Plans

A Departmental BPC Plan is a 2 page document that will describe the current focus of BPC activities across a department or academic unit, and what the department has committed to do to address the underrepresentation of certain populations, as defined by NSF CISE.

Project BPC Plans

A Project BPC Plan is a document written by PIs submitting a proposal to NSF CISE for certain programs that require the inclusion of a BPC Plan. When PIs submit an NSF CISE proposal that requires a BPC Plan, they submit one of the two types of Project BPC Plans: a Connected Project BPC Plan or a Standalone Project BPC Plan. To choose between Connected and Standalone, first check which types the solicitation permits; if both are permitted, use guidance from the Project BPC Plan page to pick the best fit for your situation.


Overview of Connected Project BPC Plans

Overview of Standalone Project BPC Plans