Overview of BPC Plans
A BPC Plan describes how a PI or department will contribute to Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) in a meaningful way. NSF CISE defines BPC Plans for departments (Departmental BPC Plans) and PIs (Project BPC Plans).
Departmental BPC Plans
A Departmental BPC Plan is a 2 page document that will describe the current focus of BPC activities across a department or academic unit, and what the department has committed to do to address the underrepresentation of certain populations, as defined by NSF CISE.
- Summary: Lists BPC activities of a department
- Submitted to: BPCnet.org for verification by BPCnet
- Page limit: 2 pages
- Information from BPCnet.org:
Project BPC Plans
A Project BPC Plan is a document written by PIs submitting a proposal to NSF CISE for certain programs that require the inclusion of a BPC Plan. When PIs submit an NSF CISE proposal that requires a BPC Plan, they submit one of the two types of Project BPC Plans: a Connected Project BPC Plan or a Standalone Project BPC Plan. To choose between Connected and Standalone, first check which types the solicitation permits; if both are permitted, use guidance from the Project BPC Plan page to pick the best fit for your situation.
Overview of Connected Project BPC Plans
- Summary: Lists PI engagement with activities from a verified Departmental BPC Plan
- Submitted to: NSF CISE as a supplemental document for applicable programs
- Page limit: Varies by call, but generally includes a 2-page verified Departmental BPC Plan from each institution plus supplemental material.
- Information from BPCnet.org:
Overview of Standalone Project BPC Plans
- Summary: Describes BPC activities and how each PI engages in them
- Submitted to: NSF CISE as a supplemental document for applicable programs
- Page limit: 3 pages, shared by all participating institutions
- Information from BPCnet.org: