The University of Texas at Austin’s WeTeach_CS program trains K-12 educators to improve access to high quality CS experiences for a diverse range of students. WeTeach_CS is increasing the number of CS certified high school teachers, increasing the number of high schools offering CS courses, increasing the number and diversity of students enrolled in CS courses, and expanding access to CS experiences for all students in K-8. NSF CISE PI’s could use this course to meet their K-12 BPC goals with teachers in their CISE projects.
The 6-week 24 hour CPE credit course is offered through UT Austin and is available to all teachers, including non-UT Austin participants. UT Austin can provide a trained facilitator for the course for a fee or projects can identify a local facilitator to go through the UT Austin annual facilitator training and lead the course with their own cohort of teachers.
To find out more information, or to fill out a program interest form click here.