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AccessComputing: Accessible Resources

Org: AccessComputing

Because of the multimedia nature of the web and the poor design of some websites, many Internet users cannot access the full range of resources this revolutionary tool provides. Some visitors:

  • cannot see graphics
  • cannot hear audio
  • cannot operate a mouse
  • use slow Internet connections and modems or equipment that cannot easily download large files
  • have difficulty navigating sites that are poorly organized with unclear directions because they have learning disabilities, speak English as a second language, or are younger than the average user

People use a variety of technologies to access the web. For example, a person who is blind may use a speech output system that reads aloud text presented on the screen. A person with a mobility impairment may be unable to use a mouse and may rely on the keyboard for web browsing. Websites, videos, and documents should be made to be accessible to these users.

A departmental plan can specify that they will audit their online materials to determine if they are accessible or provide training related to website, video, and document accessibility. A CISE PI can conduct an audit of their own materials and work with their department to ensure other faculty are aware of the need for web accessibility.

AccessComputing has a variety of resources related to accessibility available online. We encourage departments and faculty to contact us with any questions that they may have about website, video, or document accessibility, to get advice on developing a plan to address accessibility, or access resources related to accessibility.

Departmental, Partnering

Intended Level(s)
Graduate, Undergraduate

Intended Population
Persons with Disabilities

Program Costs
$0-$500. Depending on costs for materials, room and catering costs, as well as honorarium for panelists.

Program Matching Funds Available?
AccessComputing may be able to provide support and/or resources. Contact us to discuss your activity.

Program Interest Form