CMD-IT University Award
Org: CMD-IT (Center for Minorities and People with Disabilities in Information Technology)
The CMD-IT University Award recognizes US institutions that have demonstrated a strong commitment to increasing the computer science baccalaureate degree production of minorities and students with disabilities, through effective retention programs. The CMD-IT University Award includes:
- Monetary Prize of $15,000
- An Award
- Invitation to give an invited presentation at the faculty workshop at Tapia 2020
Award decisions will be based on quantitative and qualitative reporting of results. The qualitative report in the application must include a description of the retention programs in place, as well as details about the unit that awards the undergraduate computer science degree, and contextual details about the institution. The quantitative report in the application includes a five year history of retention data for different groups of students.
All nominations will remain confidential. Each participating university will receive a detailed report that summarizes the data across all participating institutions. Past award recipients cannot submit a nomination for up to three years beyond the award.
How to use this Activity in your Project BPC Plan:
Not sure how to use this activity in your Project BPC Plan? Once you customize the red text, this activity should fit the checklist for Project BPC Plans. Disclaimer: Using this text in your Project Plan does not guarantee NSF approval of your BPC Plan.
Interested in this activity for your Departmental BPC Plan? Summarize the content below to fit the checklist for Departmental BPC Plans. Disclaimer: Using this text in your Departmental Plan does not guarantee BPCnet Verification of your BPC Plan.
If you intend to use this activity in your BPC Plan (Departmental or Project), be sure to submit the Program Interest form, found at the bottom of the page, so this organization is aware of your intended participation.
Activity Summary
During each year of the grant, the PIs will apply for the CMD-IT University Award, which is awarded to computing departments, schools, or colleges. The award involves collecting retention data by demographic group for the last five years and providing a description of the retention programs. The award provides a helpful structure and deadlines for collecting important retention data and evaluating the effectiveness of existing retention programs.
1. Context & Goals
Context: The department does not currently track retention data for all students or students of different demographic groups. [Provide currently available data, including IPEDS data from]
Goal: The PI will apply for the CMD-IT University Award each year of the award.
Activity Motivation: The award provides deadlines for collecting retention data and evaluating the effectiveness of retention programs. Even if the department wins the award, the PI will continue to share with CMD-IT materials equivalent to the application materials. This ensures that data collection will continue and applications for the award provide CMD-IT with important comparison data.
2. Intended Population
Activity Participants: PI [name] with support from the Institutional Research Office.
Participant Recruitment: N/A.
3. Strategy
Responsibilities of PIs: The PI will be responsible for working with the Institutional Research Office to collect and analyze data and prepare the application for the CMD-IT Award.
Activity Content: Applying for the CMD-IT University Award requires both collecting retention data disaggregated by demographic data and providing
Activity Budget: N/A
4. Preparation
The PI has watched the Information Session video for the CMD-IT University Award and read through the requirements for the application. The PI has met with a staff member from the Institutional Research Office to go over the requirements for the CMD-IT award and has confirmed that accessing these data would be allowed and feasible. [If accessing retention data disaggregated by gender, disability, and race/ethnicity is not allowed at your institution, explain the limitation here.] The PI has discussed the plan with their department chair and the department chair has agreed to provide 30 minutes in a department meeting each year to discuss the data and analysis in the award.
5. Measurement
In the annual report, the PI will confirm that they have accessed the relevant data and submitted the application for the CMD-IT University Award. After the first submission, the PI will summarize the feedback they receive on their application and what changes they made in their subsequent application to address this feedback.
Intended Level(s)
Intended Population
American Indian or Alaska Native, Black or African American, Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Persons with Disabilities
Program Costs
No cost
Program Matching Funds Available?
Corporate sponsorship for $15,000 award to University